Mounting TurboFTP Server File System using davfs2 in Linux

TurboFTP Server (with HTTP/S feature enabled) supports WebDAV protocol. Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux all have built-in support for WebDAV, allowing you to connect to a WebDAV share within the file browser. You can also mount a user's home directory under Linux using davfs2. The following shows an example of setting up a WebDAV mount point for Ubuntu Linux user jason, who has a TurboFTP Server account named jsmith. The server is running on IP To access his home directory on the server through WebDAV, he can use a regular WebDAV client like Ubuntu Files to access the following path with his username and password:


Now he wants to mount the WebDAV folder under /mnt/mydav. To do so, davfs2 will be installed, and an option in /etc/fstab will be added.

# install davfs2
$ sudo apt-get install davfs2
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2 (if not done in installation)
# set(create) the mount point $ sudo mkdir /mnt/mydav
# add mount option in /etc/fstab $ sudo vi /etc/fstab /mnt/mydav davfs user,noauto,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1
# might need to log out and log back in to have it take effect $ sudo usermod -aG davfs2 jason
$ cd; mkdir .davfs2
# set up WebDAV user credentials $ vi .davfs2/secrets jsmith PASSWORD
# mount the file system $ mount /mnt/mydav