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Advanced FTP Site Settings: Connection Tab

The Connection tab of the Advanced FTP Site Settings dialog contains the following options:

PASV mode

Use PASV mode for this site.

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Firewall] will be used.

Server behind firewall that uses NAT

Servers that use NAT could return their internal IP in reply to the PASV command. By enabling this option, the program uses the server's original IP to open a data connection.

Server does NOT support download resume

Enabling this tells TurboFTP that download resume support is unavailable with this server; thus, it is unnecessary to check for its availability each time you log on. Only select this checkbox if you are sure about it; for instance, you download files from this server frequently.

Server does NOT support upload resume

Enabling this tells TurboFTP that upload resume support is unavailable with this server. Thus it is not necessary to check for its availability each time you log on. Only select this checkbox if you are sure about it; for instance, you upload files to this server frequently.

Use APPE to resume uploads

Some servers allow resuming uploads using an FTP command called APPE (append). Enabling this option allows you to resume broken uploads on such servers other than using REST as the standard approach.

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Advanced Con't] will be used.

Enable Anti-Idle

Select this to enable anti-idle after you have logged into this FTP site.

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Advanced] will be used.

Enable Auto Reconnect

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Advanced Con't] will be used.

Cache remote directory

This option allows you to specify whether to cache remote directory listings during an FTP session.

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Advanced Con't] will be used.

Show hidden files

Select this to show hidden files on the remote server.

This item is gray-checked by default, which means the global setting in [View|Options|Advanced Con't] will be used.

Use MODE Z for data transfer

This feature only works when the FTP server supports MODE Z too. When enabled, TurboFTP issues a command 'MODE Z' upon logon, and all subsequent data transfers will be compressed at the source side and decompressed at the destination side on the fly, thus saving network bandwidth.

Disable FEAT at logon

Enable this option if the FTP server doesn't allow or recognize the FEAT command.


If the FTP server you are connecting to requires an additional account name to log in, you can use this field to specify it (in this case, you must have one). Leave it blank if you don't need such an account name to log in.

Commands to be sent after login

In this text box, you can specify your self-defined commands to send after login. Place each command on a separate line. Leave it empty if you don't have any self-defined command to send.